19th June 2024 in Hamburg

Oliver Herrmann

Oliver Herrmann

Oliver Herrmann


About Oliver Herrmann - Oliver Herrmann is 41 years old and lives near Kiel in beautiful Schleswig-Holstein. He has been working in various industries and projects in the field of cybersecurity and information security for almost 20 years. Occupation - As Head of IT Security, Oliver Hermann works for Thales Deutschland GmbH Business Unit Naval. His team supports the projects and in-service business in the military-maritime environment during design-phase, documentation, technical verification of security controls and the accreditation process of systems. Challenges: To develop a professional team that has the skills and capacity to meet the future security requirements of military customers.

Represented in the following tracks at the next Cybersecurity Summit:

Oliver Herrmann and many more register for the Cybersecurity Summit now!