19th June 2024 in Hamburg

Katharina Sook Hee Koch

Katharina Sook Hee Koch

Katharina Sook Hee Koch

Federal Office for Information Security

Katharina Sook Hee Koch represented the German Federal Office for Information Security in the National Cyber Defense Center, which is responsible for cyber security in Germany, for many years as a speaker due to her many years of experience as a police officer. She is a highly requested expert on cyber security for, among others, the German Police University (DHPol) as well as for EU Twinning projects. On the side, she was also a lecturer for compliance law at the Hochschule für Polizei und Verwaltung NRW. Today, she supports the BSI in its cooperation with other security authorities, primarily police forces and intelligence agencies.

Represented in the following tracks at the next Cybersecurity Summit:

Katharina Sook Hee Koch and many more register for the Cybersecurity Summit now!