14th & 15th May 2025 in Hamburg

Max Heintze

Max Heintze

Max Heintze

Secure Code Warrior

With over 20 years of experience in the IP industry, Max Heintze has seen it all, from telecoms companies and network operators to independent software vendors and global system integrators. As a seasoned expert, he now applies his knowledge and passion for technology to cybersecurity to help companies realise their journey and transformation to DevSecOps. By integrating security principles into software development from the outset and using tools such as Secure Code Warrior, he helps teams to continuously improve their developer risk management and cybersecurity capabilities, adding real value to their organisation. 

Represented in the following tracks at the Cybersecurity Summit:

  • 2025 MATTERHORN MASTERCLASSES: Secure Code Warrior Masterclass

Max Heintze and many more register for the Cybersecurity Summit now!